A Word about Puppies
They give an endless amount of love and loyalty, laughter and enjoyment to all who are “owned” by a Chihuahua. With a heart that belongs in a Bull Mastiff, courage of the fiercest terrier, an endless amount of energy that would make the Energizer Bunny look lethargic and a desire to be held and cuddled as a child would a favorite teddy bear, it is no wonder the Chihuahua has become one of the most consistently popular dogs of our time.
The Standard Appearance of Chihuahua Puppies
Chihuahua puppies are really sweet and really small. Their heads are dome-shaped and feature large ears that stand straight up on a 45 degree angle on either side of their head. Their ears should have no tipped or broken points, and the inside skin of the ear that is exposed should be a light colour of either pink or brown.
The eyes of Chihuahua puppies are their most unique feature. Their eyes are very large, round and dark. They should not look like they are bulging out of the dog’s head, but they are well defined.
Chihuahua puppies have a short muzzle that comes to a defined point. The nose at the tip of the muzzle is small and ranges in different colours depending on the coat colour of the Chi pup. That being said, darker coloured noses are more common and preferred.
It may come as a surprise to you, but if you were to play with Chihuahua puppies, you would discover that they have relatively strong jaws for their minute size. Their jaws feature pristine white teeth that form a complete and perfect scissor bite.
The coat of the Chihuahua is soft and glossy, regardless if it is long or smooth. The coat of smooth haired Chis lies close to the body, while the coat of long-haired Chis is straight or has a slight wave; it should not be curly. Feathering is present on the ears and tails of long haired Chis. Both coats have an undercoat. The coat colour of Chihuahua puppies vary, and virtually come in any mixture.
Chihuahuas have a compact, balanced body. Their ribs are well sprung and their back is level from withers to the base of the tail. Chihuahuas carry their medium-length tail high and proud over their back. There is slight feathering of the tail on smooth coat Chihuahuas, while long haired Chis have very furry tails that are displayed in a nice plume.
Observe Chihuahua puppies when they play or walk to make sure they are using all of their legs and feet in unison. Their movements should be free, as the front legs of a Chi are straight and the back muscular legs have a well turned stifle. Their small feet provide them with plenty of spring in their step.
It is important that you know what to look for when you are picking out your pup from a litter. Therefore, you should educate yourself on everything there is to know about Chihuahua puppies and Chi dogs in general. Don’t settle for anything but the best puppy.
Before finally deciding that the Chihuahua is the breed for you, make sure you are good enough for him. The Chihuahua is a devoted, and loyal little dog that is very much a people dog. Chihuahuas become so attached to their human families that, if you later decide to change your mind about ownership, you will literally break a little dog’s heart!
- Caring for your Chihuahua pup requires that you be very careful and gentle with your puppy. Make sure you pay attention to where you sit and walk, as it is very easy to sit on or walk on your new puppy. Don’t be afraid to play with your puppy, as Chihuahua puppies are very playful. They will require lots of love and attention, which includes everything from brushing, to playing to training. As long as you show your dog lots of attention, you’ve to the care part down perfectly.
- Be fully prepared to take on such a small dog breed ahead of time. Before bringing the Chihuahua puppy home have an exercise crate or pen to confine the puppy when needed, plenty of newspapers or potty pads, a litter box, small food and water bowls, soft bedding, premium food and safe chew toys for a small dog.
- Start house training immediately. Chihuahuas need extra work with house training. In general, they eliminate frequently with no warning, so constant supervision in the first few months is essential. Plan on taking the puppy out after every meal, after a few hours of play, after waking up from a nap and when you get home from being out. Place plenty of newspapers and potty pads throughout the most-used rooms of the home, or confine the dog to the kitchen for a few weeks until you can trust your puppy to be out alone.
- Implement crate training. A Chihuahua puppy benefits greatly from using a crate to keep him safe and secure. At first a crate may seem like a bad thing to the puppy, but eventually it will become his place of refuge, where he can run into and not be bothered. Do not pick him up or let him out of the crate in the beginning, or he will cry every time. Instead, ignore the behavior and praise him when he is quiet and calm inside the crate. Feed a Chihuahua puppy three small meals a day.This breed of puppy has a smaller stomach and higher metabolism than most breeds, so they need to be fed little amounts more times during the day. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is often a concern with Chihuahuas, so it is important to keep their blood sugar at an even keel by making sure dry food is available when they are hungry. Do not get into the habit of feeding table scraps because Chihuahua puppies can become very finicky, and may eventually turn away from regular puppy food.
Keep your puppy safe from different elements. A Chihuahua is verysusceptible to cold weather so she should be properly dressed or wrapped up when going outside. she should also be kept warm when she is stressed. You will know when your puppy is stressed by the way she shakes, which is common in this small breed. Do not allow her to jump off high furniture. Do not let her sleep with you in bed as she is small enough to be rolled over on and injured. Never let her outside without a leash. As a puppy, a Chihuahua needs constant supervision near small spaces, cars, and in rooms with small toys, plants or anything she can ingest.
- Groom your puppy routinely. He should be brushed daily, especially if you have the long haired variety. This breed does not shed as bad as other breeds, but it is best to get rid of loose hair to make the puppy feel more comfortable. Bathe him at least monthly, and have his nails trimmed regularly. Also get into the habit of brushing his teeth at least twice a week. The younger the puppy is when you start grooming, the more comfortable the puppy will become with the routine into adulthood
Socialize your Chihuahua puppy regularly. This breed by nature is aggressive. The earlier you socialize her, the better she will be with other dogs, other adults and children. Displays of aggression should be corrected immediately. Never allow her to get away with bad behavior with anyone. She may think she is protecting you, but this can become a nasty habit. As soon as your puppy is vaccinated, go to dog parks, obedience classes and even puppy play groups to get her used to being with other dogs, especially larger dogs, to ease any fear or correct bad behavior. Keep an eye on your Chihuahua puppy. Small breeds are extremely prone to injury, and Chihuahua’s are no exception and never leave your Chihuahua out unattended.
Like children, if you are not there to correct bad behaviour, they will keep doing it. I truly believe there are no bad dogs, just bad dog owners. You can have the best dog ever if you are willing to invest the time it takes to make it happen. The rewards are so great, you will never regret it!